ahead life science track: coach introduction magdalena kempa
ahead life science track: coach introduction magdalena kempa

27. November 2020

Life ScienceEntrepreneurshipAccelerator ProgrammAngebotInterviewPartner

why are you a coach on the AHEAD Life Science Track?

First: Because of the teams! The teams are highly motivated scientists and know the potential of their research and technologies. They can be proud, because they have an “uncut diamond”. Commercializing is a different path for each team, which they usually have not yet taken and are eager to pursue.

Supporting the teams in turning their scientific know-how into a business model is simply enjoyable. Most teams go through an incredible rapid development during our life science incubation program. It is exciting to be part of this energy that develops within the teams during the program, especially because I support teams creating new solutions for the health of society.  

Why would you recommend teams to register for the Life Science Track?

The teams receive need-based professional input and support from lead coaches and renowned experts in the areas of IP, regulation, market and competition, business planning, product and team development. Furthermore the early contact with potential customers from the industry and the final pitch in front of potential investors is very useful for the teams. Quickly generating industry-specific know-how and getting an understanding of how fundraising works helps the teams to proceed with the business model in the most successful way. Equally important is the access to the relevant network.

what are the topics where you support the teams?

As a venture manager in the life science sector, my expertise includes all business plan or pitch related topics, e.g. development of a business model, market and competitive analyses, business development and partnership structure, financial planning, fundraising, etc.

Additionally I enjoy to address with the team their current needs and problems around company building, e.g: How do we best negotiate the license? How do we attract the most relevant stakeholders? How can we reach our potential customers? Sharing my experience in these areas and developing strategies together with the teams is always fascinating.

Find out more about the AHEAD Life Science Track here


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