04. September 2020
Life ScienceEntrepreneurshipAccelerator ProgrammInterviewToday we present you the next coach for the Life Science Track 2020! Thomas was already there last year and will help you again this year with all your questions. Check out our interview and learn more about Thomas!
Educated in electrical engineering I was working the whole career in the MEDTECH area. Between my master thesis and my PhD I worked in an in-house medical start-up at Carl Zeiss. In the second step I worked as the CTO and quality manager for a medical start-up company in Munich. Funded by venture capital we developed a product running in the intensive care units at the end.
Since two years I’m doing my own business with MEDTECH360. My mission is supporting small and mid-sized MEDTECH companies in different fields to bring their device to market by minimizing technical, regulatory and strategic errors.
I know the questions of a start-up and the hard decisions it has to make, since I was in the same situation and now have customers with very similar issues. So I went the way to the market of a medical device several times.
Access to professionals from very different domains. Specific input to the single ideas.
Quiet good chance to check with professionals if there is an option for business beyond the scientific work.
It should be a team with a mature idea based on sound scientific knowledge.
Clarify financial aspects as soon as possible. Clarify what happens if a team member leaves the team. Build up a team and discuss frankly the roles and the expected responsibility before starting to work together.
interview partner: Dr. Thomas Reichthalhammer
website: Medtech360
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